Avis de XAYAH

Mr Vasstayan 👑 vasstayan

I would like to leave an honest from the bottom of my heart a review. This player has been extremely positive and has a great approach to players. Playing with this player made me feel great as I supported them and kept them alive while that person was extremely appreciative and respective, I would give at least more than 10 stars if it was possible as, I have enjoyed every single moment this player has been with me and I haven't have found anybody else who has the same mindset or even the skills and not forgetting the hard determined personality that has a strong mindset and positive attitude just as an approach to the world with hard stomping foot and not letting some peoples comments get into their head while keeping extremely high performance and keeping communication while playing with me, Every match I have been near this player made me feel special and I have to say I wouldn't ever trade for somebody else. Great ADC and a great performer, If you ever get to talk or even play with this player you will feel like in heaven as it's an amazing experience.

Nilah Partie #EUW1_6686235252
26/7/12 KDA | 73 CS | Durée de la partie 18:17

Rejoidre Duoo Rejoins Duoo et trouve ton prochain partenaire en duo !

À propos de moi

Hi, i'm ADC MAIN haven't reach high rank only gold in past few seasons i play variety of ADC but Xayah is the only one who is in my heart

Joueur tryhard
Joueur tryhard