Avis de HecarimUwU

Sweetaxy sweetaxy

very good hec player, he gives every game a carry and great in communication and game.

Hecarim Partie #EUN1_3534851909
21/3/3 KDA | 223 CS | Durée de la partie 28:32
Neko nekosiek

Very good at jungle the best Hecarim he get 39 kills in one game helping and ganking on time when we need it

Hecarim Partie #EUN1_3509730922
39/8/12 KDA | 239 CS | Durée de la partie 36:6

Rejoidre Duoo Rejoins Duoo et trouve ton prochain partenaire en duo !

À propos de moi

Sup Age: 16 Main: jungle Hecarim Rank: Silver (i dont play rankeds) Others: i love nami mains (nami makes me faster), idc what do you play you can play anything you wish to play Lanes Mains: Jungle: 1.Hecarim, 2.Kindred, 3.Lillia, 4.anything Top: 1. K'sante, 2. Aatrox/Sett, 3. Anything Mid: 1. Irelia, 2. Annie, 3. Sylas, 4. Anything (i hate playing mid) ADC: 1. Yasuo, 2. Samira, 3. Nilah, 4. Anything (i dont like this lane too) Supp: 1. Heimer, 2. Pantheon, 3. Morgana, 4. Rell, 5. Anything

Joueur occasionnel
Joueur sérieux

Mes intérêts Musique