Historique des parties de TheDeathPrincess

Historique des parties Affichage des 10 dernières parties

Champion Statistiques Farm Équipe Équipe ennemie Temps
Anivia Draft
Anivia Sur son Main
1/0/1 KDA parfait 96 6.10 cs/m
15:44 May 31, 20:31:53
Kog'Maw Draft
Kog'Maw Sur son Main
14/0/7 KDA parfait 178 6.64 cs/m
26:49 May 31, 19:56:28
Lux Draft
Lux Sur son Main
1/6/18 3.17 KDA 36 1.39 cs/m
25:51 May 31, 05:20:25
Seraphine Draft
Seraphine Sur son Main
3/6/16 3.17 KDA 99 2.95 cs/m
33:33 May 31, 04:34:39
Kog'Maw Draft
Kog'Maw Sur son Main
12/3/17 9.67 KDA 273 5.92 cs/m
46:08 May 30, 20:13:48
Jinx Draft
Jinx Sur son Main
5/1/2 7.00 KDA 99 6.42 cs/m
15:25 May 30, 19:42:37
Kayn Draft
Kayn Sur son Main
5/3/6 3.67 KDA 242 7.12 cs/m
33:58 May 30, 18:44:09
Lissandra Draft
Lissandra Sur son Main
2/3/4 2.00 KDA 157 6.65 cs/m
23:37 May 30, 17:47:40
Kog'Maw Draft
Kog'Maw Sur son Main
18/2/10 14.00 KDA 236 6.81 cs/m
34:40 May 30, 16:43:15
Senna Draft
Senna Sur son Main
9/1/5 14.00 KDA 184 7.07 cs/m
26:01 May 30, 16:05:01

Rejoidre Duoo Rejoins Duoo et trouve ton prochain partenaire en duo !

À propos de moi

NA server only. I main ADC & mid. I started playing League at the end of season 2. I mostly collect mastery 7s for fun, and I currently have 73 of them, including all bot lane marksmen. Samira is one of my fav ADCs, so I'm looking for a fun aggressive support who mains Thresh/Nautilus/Ali/Rell/Rakan who's willing to spam dances, taunts, emotes, etc with me for the longterm :) I'm open to playing ranked again once I find an engage support main who I have great synergy with ♡ I'm not interested in finding fill/offrole players here regardless of their ranks, since they can be found literally anywhere, only looking for engage supp mains :)

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